Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Sun Jun 20 00:00:12 2010
00:13 -!- bmizerany [~bmizerany@123.sub-75-208-200.myvzw.com] has joined #go-nuts
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03:58 -!- Eko [~eko@DHCP-159-138.caltech.edu] has joined #go-nuts
04:00 < Eko> anyone use go on linux?  It works beautifully on darwin_amd64
but I'm having issues on linux_386
04:06 -!- LeNsTR [~lenstr@unaffiliated/lenstr] has joined #go-nuts
04:09 -!- OpenSpace [~ja@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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04:22 < manveru> Eko: yeah...  it's a bumpy ride sometimes on 32bit
04:23 < manveru> Eko: when you have issues, report them, the go devs are
usually very quick in fixing that stuff
04:30 -!- LeNsTR [~lenstr@unaffiliated/lenstr] has joined #go-nuts
04:38 < Eko> I got it fixed...  it was a problem with uncommitted changes on
the darwin side that I was trying to compile on the linux side >_>.  All my
fault =D.
04:38 < Eko> manveru: will do.
04:39 < smw> is any work being put into 1.  making the setup more global
package friendly and 2.  dynamic libraries?
04:40 < Eko> 1.  more what?  2.  no
04:40 < smw> easier to make packages of for linux distros
04:40 < manveru> it's pretty easy already?
04:40 < smw> for example, not requiring env vars
04:41 < smw> manveru, I would not call it easy by any stretch of the
04:41 < manveru> heh
04:41 < smw> it is also very hard to install new libraries to a fakeroot.
04:42 < smw> I have not figured it out
04:42 < manveru> true that
04:42 < manveru> right now i'm using the go-lang-hg package for archlinux
04:42 < jessta> smw: python and java require env vars...
04:42 < smw> manveru, that package died
04:42 < manveru> when?
04:43 < smw> manveru, I went through the aur and got just about all of them
deleted.  The guy with go-hg orphaned his package so the person who make
go-lang-hg took it over
04:43 -!- GoBIR [~gobir@DHCP-159-138.caltech.edu] has joined #go-nuts
04:43 < smw> made*
04:44 < manveru> so go-hg is the new one?
04:44 < smw> yep
04:44 < manveru> didn't build since last month...  so i haven't noticed
04:44 < smw> ah
04:44 < manveru> and i modified it to change group permissions so i can
install via goinstall easier
04:44 < smw> ok
04:45 < manveru> thanks for the heads-up :)
04:45 < smw> np
04:45 < Eko> smw: honestly, if the environment variables are that much of an
issue for you, extract the necessary information from uname and install wrappers
04:46 < smw> jessta, I do not believe python requires vars...
04:46 < smw> manveru,
04:46 -!- nighty^ [~nighty@x122091.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has quit [Ping timeout:
265 seconds]
04:47 < Eko> smw: python requires variable changes to use site package
directories and to put python in the path if you don't install it to the global
04:47 < smw> Eko, the last part is obvious
04:47 < Eko> those are both analogous to the issues with go.
04:47 < smw> Eko, however, everything runs without env vars
04:48 < Eko> smw: python is also an interpreter.
04:48 < smw> the programs do not require them.
04:48 < Eko> bull?
04:48 < smw> ?
04:48 < Eko> if I compile a go executable, you don't need environment
variables to run it
04:49 < Eko> it's statically linked
04:49 < smw> ok
04:49 < smw> oh, I mean the python program does not need them
04:49 < Eko> the python3 executable is an interpreter, which can determine
where everything is
04:49 < smw> python as an executable, not the product
04:50 < Eko> if you wanted to make a comparable thing for go, make a "go"
script that you install globally that sets the uname-derived variables and runs $@
04:50 < Eko> so you could then forever and for always run "go 8g blah.go &&
go 8l -o blah blah.8"
04:50 < Eko> no matter your environment variables.
04:51 < smw> how would I do that?  right now there is one in /etc/profile.d
04:51 < Eko> You are comparing an interpreted language with a compiled one,
which is always going to be slanted.
04:51 < manveru> well, at least the arch is implicit when using 6g/8g, no?
04:51 < Eko> one what?
04:51 < smw> Eko, a script to export env variables
04:51 < smw> Eko, it is only run if you source /etc/profile.bash
04:52 < Eko> smw: use uname -s to derive GOOS and uname -p to derive GOARCH
and GOBIN and GOROOT would be set by the package
04:52 < smw> ah
04:53 < Eko> I thought you were talking about being on a distro that doesn't
have an easy way to add environment variables to users profiles, but if you have
profile.d then you do
04:53 < smw> is GOBIN used by anything besides install?
04:54 < Eko> smw: you should always set it.  Makefiles might use it.
04:54 < Eko> it's not always safe to assume GOBIN=$HOME/bin
04:54 < smw> eh?
04:54 < smw> I thought if a program needed another program it could just use
the path
04:55 < Eko> smw : if your package is going to add it to PATH, then you can,
but a lot of makefiles want to derive it themselves from the GOBIN variable
04:56 < Eko> that way you know you're getting the most recent one, etc
04:56 < smw> ok
04:56 < Eko> and that way users can override if they have a local go
04:56 < smw> well, all that is left that I have issues with is trying to
install external libs to a fake root.
04:57 < smw> this is for packaging purposes
04:57 -!- kingfishr [~kingfishr@c-24-130-147-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined
04:57 < Eko> what do you mean "to a fake root"?
04:58 < smw> Eko, as in tell it to install as it would normally but pretend
the root is another dir
04:58 < smw> Eko, that makes it easier to automatically package
04:58 < smw> like make prefix='/whatever'
04:59 -!- adu [~ajr@pool-71-191-173-125.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined
05:00 -!- scm [justme@d071040.adsl.hansenet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240
05:00 < Eko> smw: I still don't understand...  when you hg clone, it all
goes into a subdirectory
05:00 < Eko> when you ./all.bash it all goes into the subdirectory
05:00 < smw> Eko, no, 3rd party libs
05:01 -!- ExtraSpice [~ExtraSpic@78-62-86-161.static.zebra.lt] has joined #go-nuts
05:01 < smw> they all source the one from go
05:01 < Eko> third party libraries go exactly where $GOROOT tells them to
go, that is $GOROOT/pkg/$GOOS_GOARCH
05:01 < smw> right
05:01 < smw> but you can't have it compile with goroot in one location and
install in another
05:01 < smw> there is no separation of build and install
05:02 < Eko> shouldn't your package for a third party library just execute
the goinstall script?
05:02 -!- scm [justme@d019074.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #go-nuts
05:02 < smw> Eko, why?  Shouldn't it be a pre-compiled version?
05:03 < smw> Eko, doesn't that defeat the purpose of a package?
05:03 < Eko> smw: imho, for now, all packages should pull from hg or svn or
bazzar or git
05:03 -!- nighty^ [~nighty@x122091.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #go-nuts
05:03 < Eko> it's not mature enough for people to keep up with package
05:04 < Eko> your package for whatever OS you're using shouldn't even have a
compiled version of go
05:04 < Eko> again, in my humble opinion
05:04 < smw> Eko, you are probably right on that...  Which is why I am
making PKGBUILDs.  They give the benefits of packages and get from svn/git.
05:05 < Eko> so shouldn't it just use goinstall?
05:05 < smw> no, the point of packages is you can uninstall them...
05:06 < smw> it would not keep track of files
05:06 < Eko> oh, I see your issue.
05:07 -!- MizardX [~MizardX@unaffiliated/mizardx] has quit [Ping timeout: 276
05:07 < smw> so, the PKGBUILD will pull from svn, then create a package with
the entire directory tree
05:07 < Eko> I don't know how your package skeleton works, but if you want
to do it the hard way, you cp -R the goroot, set your new GOROOT, and then diff
the directories and save the diff for your uninstaller, and then patch it into the
original goroot.
05:08 < smw> hm
05:08 < smw> that seems to be the only option
05:08 -!- ikke [~ikke@unaffiliated/ikkebr] has quit []
05:08 < smw> it means it would need to copy over the current goroot :-\
05:08 < Eko> and, theoretically, you should be able to patch -r to uninstall
05:09 < Eko> smw: have you looked how small it is?
05:09 < smw> nope
05:09 < smw> oh
05:09 < smw> wow
05:10 < Eko> it's small enough that today's harddrives can copy the entire
thing before the user notices.
05:11 < Eko> also, your change seems to be small enough that you could
always make the change to the goinstall executable and submit a CR ^_^
05:11 < Eko> er, submit a CL
05:11 < smw> yeah
05:12 -!- LeNsTR [~lenstr@unaffiliated/lenstr] has quit [Quit: LeNsTR]
05:13 -!- LeNsTR [~lenstr@unaffiliated/lenstr] has joined #go-nuts
05:14 < smw> Eko, apparently my lib has broken
05:14 < smw> Eko, I need to check it more often...
05:15 -!- nighty^ [~nighty@x122091.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has quit [Ping timeout:
245 seconds]
05:15 < Eko> you mean your install?
05:15 < smw> Eko, https://code.google.com/p/goconf/
05:15 < Eko> is it the cgo stdlib issue?
05:15 < Eko> oh.
05:15 < smw> It does not compile with the latest version :-\
05:16 < Eko> hmm, I wonder if mine still compiles.  it should...
05:16 < smw> ah, it compiles, bit the test fails
05:16 < Eko> oh, I just goinstalled it a few minutes ago, I know it does
05:16 < smw> lol
05:16 < Eko> that's not good.  probably a small issue though.
05:17 < smw> Eko, http://codepad.org/DIDvtGhm
05:18 < smw> I don't get it :-\
05:21 < smw> Eko, there are no line numbers...
05:22 < smw> or for that matter source files
05:22 < Eko> yeah, check out the changes in the type conversions
05:22 < smw> where?
05:22 < Eko> http://golang.org/doc/devel/release.html
05:23 < smw> thanks
05:26 < Eko> also, it looks like your build is incomplete
05:26 < smw> ?
05:27 < Eko> I would do your ./all.bash again and watch it to make sure it
05:27 < smw> ok
05:29 < smw> Eko, do you think go would accept a dom and xpath lib in the
05:29 < smw> for xml
05:30 < Eko> smw: a dom package, perhaps.  what's xpath?
05:30 < smw> It is like regex for a dom tree
05:30 < Eko> no, I think not
05:30 < smw> it is extremely powerful...  I never see dom implementations
without it
05:31 < smw> Eko, now it works
05:31 < smw> reinstalling did it :-)
05:31 < Eko> :)
05:31 < Eko> there's a certain cgo package that fails to compile
05:31 < smw> ok
05:31 < Eko> I've been unable to reproduce it often enough to figure out
why, and I am pretty sure r and rsc have done the same.
05:32 < smw> Eko, why do you think xpath would not be allowed?  I am going
to try to pitch it on the mailing list so I might as well know what I am arguing
against :-)
05:33 < smw> Eko, I have never seen dom without xpath...
05:33 < Eko> if it's widely considered a standard part of a dom
implementation, you probably won't see any more resistance than to the dom
05:33 < smw> ok
05:34 < Eko> but bear in mind that they are striving for simplicity and
broad applicability for the stdlib.
05:34 < smw> truthfully, I have no idea what I could program for the
standard lib
05:35 < Eko> your goal shouldn't be to get something into the standard
05:35 < smw> that is my best idea.  I use xpath and xml all the time.  I
figure it could not be too hard to make a parser
05:35 < smw> why not?
05:35 < Eko> it should be to provide high quality packages for the go
05:35 < Eko> and if there's one that becomes highly popular, it will become
a candidate for inclusion organically
05:36 < smw> In that case, I should rewrite goconf ;-)
05:36 < smw> take out all the code I inherited from goconfig and start over
05:36 < Eko> it's also possible that you will, in the long run, see some
addition to the standard library that can be made, either as a component of an
existing package or as a new package itseif.
05:37 < smw> It needs a better urllib
05:37 < Eko> better how?
05:37 < smw> I could not figure out what it meant by "network"
05:37 < Eko> meh, documentation semantics
05:38 < Eko> fix the docs ;)
05:38 < smw> I feel like all I am doing is complaining today
05:38 < smw> if someone told me what it was, I could document it!
05:38 < smw> this is why the original programmers need to document ;-)
05:38 < Eko> if you're talking in terms of net, the "network" is either tcp,
tcp4, tcp6, udp, udp4, udp6
05:39 < Eko> as a string
05:39 < smw> oh?
05:39 < smw> tcp is allowed?
05:39 < Eko> maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking, if that's a
05:39 < smw> I assume that it figures out tcp4 vs 6
05:39 < smw> nm
05:40 < smw> it makes more sense now
05:40 < smw> It means I can select tcp vs udp
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265 seconds]
05:41 < Eko> what functions are you talking about?  it's specified in the
documentation for, e.g.  Dial http://golang.org/pkg/net/#Conn.Dial
05:41 -!- mk64ftw_ [~mk64ftw@stillraging.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #go-nuts
05:41 < smw> Eko, apparently it is much better since I last looked :-D
05:42 < Eko> smw: sounds like a common theme ;)
05:44 < smw> Eko, has dial always done dns lookup?  :-D
05:45 < smw> If so, I am happy they added examples
05:45 < Eko> smw: eh, I think there were a few bug fixes, but I am pretty
sure it has
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05:45 < smw> ok
05:45 < smw> Go looks more put together then when I last used it...
05:45 < smw> and I took no more than 1-2 month break
05:46 < Eko> that's about when I started up with it.
05:46 < smw> meh, maybe 3
05:46 < Eko> it's definitely starting to pull together and sharpen up.
05:46 -!- mk64ftw_ [~mk64ftw@stillraging.xen.prgmr.com] has quit [Ping timeout:
264 seconds]
05:46 < smw> yep
05:47 < smw> go-gtk looked promising, but I can't even get it to compile
05:48 < Eko> I'd suspect that one is particularly sensitive to your gtk
05:48 < smw> yeah
05:50 -!- nighty^ [~nighty@x122091.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #go-nuts
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09:52 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWhCa by [James Whitehead] in 3 subdirs of
go/misc/vim/ -- misc/vim: reorganize plugin so it uses ftplugin and syntax
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11:37 < Ideal> Hi, is there a way to unpack right away returning array to
vars like 'str1, str2, str3 = strings.Split(ipStr, "/", 0)' compared to how Go
seems like wants it to be - to have an array on the left ?
11:37 < jessta> Ideal: nope
11:38 < Ideal> i see, thanks
11:38 < jessta> how would the compiler know how big the slice is?
11:38 < Ideal> dunno, but maybe some magic :)
11:40 < jessta> Ideal: you could make a function that takes a slice and
returns the first 3 items
11:41 < Ideal> hm..  well, if you make a slice from that array maybe there
is a way, like func[0:1] - 2 elements
11:41 < Ideal> for compiler to know
11:41 < Ideal> i see, well, here for now its just a simple one case, not
generic enough to make a func..
11:43 < Ideal> but maybe it'll be a useful technique later, thanks..
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14:33 < virl> how can you transform a []int into a string?
14:33 -!- rlab [~Miranda@96-184-95-178.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #go-nuts
14:37 < rsaarelm> virl: What kind of transform do you want?
14:37 < rsaarelm> Human-readable or binary data?
14:37 -!- Palmik [~Palmik@161-177-207-85.zapcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz] has
left #go-nuts ["."]
14:39 < virl> human readable, in the sense of that each value in the array
represents a char in a string
14:39 < virl> I want to change some parts in the string actually and I don't
know how I do that in go neatly
14:40 < rsaarelm> But you have []int and not []byte, so how do you turn the
array values into chars?  Unicode?
14:40 < jessta> virl: string(intarray)
14:40 < virl> jessta, ah..  thanks
14:41 -!- g0bl1n [~pr0kter@a89-152-232-158.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #go-nuts
14:44 < jessta> rsaarelm: strings in Go are utf8 encoded
14:44 < virl> which is the cool thing about go
14:44 < rsaarelm> So it's int by default for chars?  Ok.
14:44 -!- Fish [~Fish@bus77-2-82-244-150-190.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
14:44 < virl> rsaarelm, no
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245 seconds]
14:45 < jessta> rsaarelm: yeah, runes as they are called
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16:32 < RyanSvensson> How do i convert an string to an integer?
16:33 < Ginto8> look at package strconv
16:33 < Ginto8> I think that's what it's called
16:33 < RyanSvensson> thanks :)
16:33 < Ginto8> it's got Atoi and Itoa
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18:27 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWGJd by [Russ Cox] in go/src/cmd/gc/ -- gc:
fix build - subnode not addable in complexgen
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computer has gone to sleep]
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18:59 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWIj1 by [Russ Cox] in 9 subdirs of go/ -- gc:
better error messages for interface failures, conversions
19:00 < Ginto8> is it possible to add methods to an interface type?
19:00 < Ginto8> like type X interface{}
19:00 < Ginto8> func (this X) doStuff() {}
19:00 < Ginto8> ?
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joined #go-nuts
19:03 < Ginto8> oh nvm looked at the spec
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19:04 < KirkMcDonald> The spec does not seem to forbid this.
19:05 < Ginto8> T is called the receiver base type or just base type.  The
base type must not be a pointer or interface type and must be declared in the same
package as the method.
19:05 < Ginto8> from the "method declarations" bit
19:05 < KirkMcDonald> Ah.
19:05 < KirkMcDonald> So it does.
19:16 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWJaq by [Russ Cox] in go/test/ -- errchk: fix
build - allow matches in multiline error messages
19:16 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWJaw by [Russ Cox] in go/src/cmd/gc/ -- gc:
delete debug print
19:16 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWJaD by [Russ Cox] in 13 subdirs of go/src/
-- reflect: add Kind, remove Int8Type, Int8Value, etc.
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timeout: 265 seconds]
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19:48 < Ginto8> is it possible to have an empty struct?
19:48 < plexdev> http://is.gd/cWKuv by [Russ Cox] in 5 subdirs of go/ --
undo changes accidentally included in 09c5add99d50
19:48 < exch> why not?
19:48 < Ginto8> ok just checking
19:48 < Ginto8> it seems sorta unintuitive, but w/e
19:49 < Ginto8> I mean, I might as well just use like bool/byte since it's
just a sorta placeholder type
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19:56 < Soultaker> by that reasoning, why allow a struct with one member?
19:57 < Soultaker> (I think an empty struct is the only way to create an
empty value, or can you declare a "type X void" or something?)
19:57 < Ginto8> you might not as well have one in Go
19:57 < MizardX> type Foo struct{} :)
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[Quit: rhelmer]
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20:01 < Ginto8> MizardX, would that create a true empty value or just a
placeholder value?
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host closed the connection]
20:18 < MizardX> It's not 0B.  Thre is always some space for type
20:19 -!- tokuhiro_ [~tokuhirom@s230.GtokyoFL21.vectant.ne.jp] has quit [Ping
timeout: 248 seconds]
20:20 < Ginto8> ok so it would probably have the same effect to do type Foo
20:20 < Ginto8> since int is a word value and they probably pad the structs
to word value anyway
20:23 < MizardX>
20:24 < Soultaker> MizardX: I don't think that's true.
20:24 < Soultaker> if an empty struct can't be 0 bytes, why can an int be 4
20:24 < MizardX> Ah, right.  Static types does not need runtime type
information.  Interface types does.
20:25 < Ginto8> oh ok so struct{} it is for a placeholder type
20:25 < Soultaker> that sounds about right :)
20:31 -!- tokuhiro_ [~tokuhirom@s230.GtokyoFL21.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #go-nuts
20:32 < MizardX> "placeholder" types is still useful in Go, since they can
satisfy interfeaces.
20:32 < Ginto8> yep
20:32 < Ginto8> I'm using it for an input system where Event is an
interface{} and QuitEvent is a struct{}
20:33 < Ginto8> since QuitEvent doesn't really have any data tied to it
20:34 < Eko> Ginto8: that's the paradigm that's been used so far
20:35 < Eko> because you can still define all of the necessary func (qe
20:35 < Ginto8> Eko, ok thanks just making sure I'm sane in choosing it =)
20:35 < Ginto8> well it's not gonna have any methods
20:35 < Ginto8> but w/e
20:35 < Soultaker> it'll be pretty trivial to change it later, anyway :)
20:35 < Ginto8> yep
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20:36 < Eko> Ginto8: that is also acceptable, because it still requires it
to be a QuitEvent and not a struct{} if you have a method/function that specifies
that as the type.
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
20:36 < Ginto8> ok cool
20:37 < Ginto8> if I ever decide to add methods/functions messing with it,
it won't be difficult this way
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[Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
20:37 < Ginto8> MizardX, that article is really interesting
20:38 < Eko> indeed.  I presume you're going to have functions that take an
e Event and do something like switch ev := e.(type){case QuitEvent: Quit()}?
20:39 < Ginto8> yeah it's for a game engine so I'm gonna have it so that you
can check the current input via a channel during the main game loop
20:43 < Soultaker> a lot of those articles about Go's implementation are
interesting.  I wish they were archived on golang.org or something.
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20:44 -!- aho [~nya@f052062154.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
20:44 < Ginto8> go is quite an interesting language
20:45 -!- jsj [johan@devio.us] has joined #go-nuts
20:50 < jer> i'm looking for some analog to memcpy() in C for Go
20:50 < MizardX> copy()
20:50 < Ginto8> copy()
20:50 < Ginto8> copy(dst []T,src []T)
20:50 < Ginto8> is what the approximate prototype would be
20:51 < Ginto8> since it's builtin rather than in a package
20:51 < jer> oh shit =/
20:51 < Ginto8> that and a crapload of other stuff are on the spec
20:51 < Ginto8> it's a very useful read and reference
20:51 < jer> yeah where can i find these functions?  looking at the guides
on golang.org and can't see them
20:51 < jer> ah
20:51 < jer> thanks
20:51 < Ginto8> also look at the 3 .pdf's in $GOROOT/doc
20:52 < jer> alright, thanks
20:52 < Ginto8> they go pretty indepth about everything
20:52 < jer> aha, copy works on slices only; need to find a different way to
do this then
20:52 < jer> i'll see what i can dig up in the spec, thanks
20:53 < Ginto8> are you trying to do it with pointers?
20:53 < Ginto8> because that's a really bad idea
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20:53 < jer> Ginto8, no, i've got a bunch of field members in a type struct
which themselves are type structs; i need to copy them
20:53 < Ginto8> oh
20:53 < Ginto8> x = y
20:54 < Ginto8> if they're the same type
20:54 < jer> they are
20:54 < Ginto8> x = y
20:54 < Ginto8> you can copy them directly
20:54 < jer> interesting; my mind is just thinking that that's only going to
create a reference
20:54 < Ginto8> nope
20:54 < Ginto8> no references in go
20:54 < jer> ah
20:55 < Ginto8> this ain't java
20:55 < jer> =]
20:55 < Ginto8> there are pointers
20:55 < jer> that's good, i'm not a java programmer
20:55 < Ginto8> but only if you ask for em
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23:47 < nsf> um..  why short form of declarations aren't allowed in a global
23:48 < Eko> nsf: just do var = valyue
23:48 < Eko> er, var ( blah = value )
23:49 < Eko> because it's an explicit variable declaration, it will now
assume the type of the value for the variable.
23:49 < nsf> Eko: thanks
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--- Log closed Mon Jun 21 00:00:12 2010