Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Mon Sep 20 00:00:07 2010
00:00 < theshish> I thought I read explicit conversions didn't exist in go
00:00 < exch> I could have sworn i've done something similar yesterday
00:04 -!- ExtraSpice [~XtraSpice@78-57-168-219.static.zebra.lt] has quit [Ping
timeout: 240 seconds]
00:05 < Tv> theshish: no, but that's what i mean by saying you just gave a
new name to int
00:05 < Tv> theshish: there's no conversion
00:05 < theshish> but you have to say int(v)
00:05 < theshish> and that does no conversion?
00:06 < Tv> oh sorry misread your earlier line
00:06 < exch> hmm.  with types like int it doesn't work.  But with slice
types it does.  -> this runs fine: http://pastebin.com/cxTkkxT6
00:06 < Tv> oh that was exch's sum example
00:07 < Tv> also, if you have type Foo int, you might want to say v.(int)
not int(v)
00:07 < Tv> not sure if there's a difference, but the .(int) syntax
definitely does not convert, it asserts that this is possible
00:07 < theshish> huh
00:08 < Tv> .(type) is mostly used for duck typing in a static language
00:08 < exch> .(int) is a type assertion, not a conversion.  It only works
on interface values
00:08 < Tv> only on interfaces?  ok that's news to me
00:08 < Tv> obviously i haven't explored enough of this ;)
00:09 < theshish> wonder why it works for slices and not int
00:10 < exch> bit confusing.  I'm not sure
00:11 -!- piyushmishra [~piyushmis@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265
00:13 < exch> i'm just guessing here, but perhaps because converting a slice
of one type to a slice of another type is not as trivial as a simple cast.  The
behaviour of allowing implicit conversion of slice types in that particular
situation may be the runtime doing this for you
00:14 < exch> That does contradict the rule of 'no implicit conversions.'
which is not something I see the Go devs doing easily.  So i'm guessing I'm just
missing something else here
00:17 -!- aho [~nya@fuld-4d00d3af.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #go-nuts
00:19 < exch> the reverse also works apparently.  Passing []int to a
function that takes Foo is fine
00:23 < theshish> hmm
00:23 -!- piyushmishra [~piyushmis@] has joined #go-nuts
00:26 < theshish> anyone know how goes the development of a debugger?
00:26 -!- napsy [~luka@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:26 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiGmZ by [Rob Pike] in go/src/pkg/netchan/ --
netchan: handle closing of channels.
00:26 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiGn7 by [Nigel Tao] in
go/src/pkg/exp/draw/x11/ -- exp/draw/x11: mouse location is a signed integer.
00:30 < cbeck> Slowly, it looks like, last commit to ogle was beginning of
00:30 < theshish> ouch
00:38 -!- jA_cOp [~yakobu@unaffiliated/ja-cop/x-9478493] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
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Connection reset by peer]
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02:14 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiMvq by [Russ Cox] in 5 subdirs of go/src/ --
6l, 8l: clean up ELF code, fix NaCl
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has joined #go-nuts
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This computer has gone to sleep]
02:42 -!- jackman [~jackman@c-71-56-158-131.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit:
03:01 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiPf7 by [Russ Cox] in go/src/pkg/syscall/ --
nacl: fix zero-length writes
03:01 -!- rejb [~rejb@unaffiliated/rejb] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
03:06 -!- jA_cOp [~yakobu@unaffiliated/ja-cop/x-9478493] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
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Connection reset by peer]
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Connection reset by peer]
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03:19 -!- ukai [~ukai@nat/google/x-fvjzhksuwohtmvxw] has quit [Ping timeout: 240
03:20 -!- Kylarr [Kylarr@122-148-63-115.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has quit [Read
error: Connection reset by peer]
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Connection reset by peer]
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has quit [Quit: major_majors]
03:30 -!- nsf [~nsf@jiss.convex.ru] has joined #go-nuts
03:33 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiQO9 by [Russ Cox] in go/src/pkg/runtime/ --
runtime: better panic for send to nil channel
03:33 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiQOb by [Russ Cox] in go/test/ -- test: fix
NaCl build
03:33 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiQOv by [Russ Cox] in go/src/pkg/syscall/ --
syscall: fix NaCl
03:33 -!- RobertLJ [~quassel@c-68-44-163-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 272 seconds]
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03:35 -!- powerje [~powerje@adsl-75-49-12-108.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined
03:55 < Tv> ooh nil channels have been my #1 most annoying to debug thing in
04:06 -!- cco3 [~conley@c-69-181-138-209.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 240 seconds]
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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timeout: 265 seconds]
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quit [Quit: dj2]
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255 seconds]
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05:20 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiWFK by [Alex Brainman] in go/src/ --
Make.inc: make GOOS detection work on windows
05:26 -!- gabriel9 [~gabriel9@] has quit [Remote host closed the
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05:35 -!- Kashia [~Kashia@port-92-200-8-77.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Ping timeout:
265 seconds]
05:37 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fiXyp by [Rob Pike] in go/src/pkg/netchan/ --
netchan: provide a method (Importer.Errors()) to recover protocol errors.
05:47 -!- jcao219 [~jcao219@pool-173-74-61-111.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit
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05:47 < cbeck> Woo for Importer.Errors(), debugging netchan issues was such
a godawful pain
06:09 -!- eric [~eric@WL-202-181.CINE.HMC.Edu] has joined #go-nuts
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Operation timed out]
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07:26 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fj4Xt by [Rob Pike] in go/src/pkg/netchan/ --
netchan: fix unimportant typo in test error call.
07:27 -!- slashus2 [~slashus2@74-137-24-74.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #go-nuts
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computer has gone to sleep]
08:32 < mpl> heya.  I'm piping some text from a program to another.  I
wanted to get that text as input in the second program with fmt.Scan in a for loop
but all I'm getting is zeroes.  what am I doing wrong?
08:34 -!- napsy [~luka@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
08:35 < KirkMcDonald> mpl: Hard to say.  Show us some code.
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08:37 < mpl> bah, it's nothing more than fun foo() { for ;; { signal, err :=
fmt.Scan() ; if err != nil { log.Exit(err) } print signal } }
08:40 < mpl> fmt.Scan() won't return as long as there's nothing new coming
on Stdin, will it?
08:40 < KirkMcDonald> Are you passing anything to fmt.Scan() in there?
08:40 < mpl> as argument?  no.
08:40 < KirkMcDonald> ...  then it's not going to do much.
08:41 < mpl> what do you mean?  isn't it supposed to read from Stdin?
08:42 < KirkMcDonald> Well, yes.  But what do you expect it to do?
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08:43 < mpl> damn.  ok, I thought it wrote in the int it returned, how silly
of me.
08:43 < mpl> of course I have to give it a slice of bytes or something to
write onto, thx.
08:44 < KirkMcDonald> var signal int; for { n, err := fmt.Scan(&signal) /*
...  */ }
08:44 < mpl> yeah, thanks.
08:44 < mpl> getting tired I guess...
08:45 < KirkMcDonald> And you probably don't need 'n', merely checking
whether err != nil should suffice.
08:45 < mpl> yep
08:50 -!- ExtraSpice [~XtraSpice@78-57-168-219.static.zebra.lt] has joined
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Leave the magic to Houdini]
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reset by peer]
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09:56 < tux21b> is it possible to write a function like Add(a, b) which can
be called with all kinds of arguments (e.g.  int + int, int + float, str + str,
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
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10:07 < npe> tux21b: yes, using reflection, what are you trying to do?
10:07 -!- virtualsue [~chatzilla@nat/cisco/x-fclahtmepbjpvopi] has joined #go-nuts
10:08 < tux21b> i am trying to write some kind of interpreter.  anyway, i
just found out about http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#conversions and i am
reading it now :)
10:16 < npe> tux21b: you know goyacc?
10:16 < npe> go to run, ttyl.
10:18 < tux21b> no, i don't yet, but i might try it later
10:18 < tux21b> currently i have written a simple lexer and lr(1) parser by
hand, which is a boring task but not that hard either ;)
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closed the connection]
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13:52 -!- SingAlong [~chatzilla@] has joined #go-nuts
13:52 < SingAlong> has anyone tried running go with NaCl (Native Client)
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14:10 < wrtp> SingAlong: i did try, and it didn't work, but russ cox
suggested a solution which i haven't tried yet.
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14:13 < SingAlong> wrtp: ah you seem to be familiar with NaCl.  Can it
access files(just read dir and list files)?  I'm just watching the Google IO video
and I've setup my comp for nacl dev.
14:13 < wrtp> i don't think so
14:14 < taruti> it is sandboxed
14:14 < wrtp> i think the point is that it's got about the same access to
the outside world as javascript
14:14 -!- dj2 [~dj2@] has joined #go-nuts
14:14 < wrtp> BTW, i've just written a go-related blog post.  feedback
14:15 < SingAlong> ah!  I was thinking about developing a browser-based
media player (access local file system scrobble music and use the browser storage
to store the music library data)
14:15 < taruti> wrtp: are you familiar with plan9 control(2) for GUIs?
14:15 < SingAlong> an awesome idea smashed in a few hours :(
14:18 < wrtp> taruti: yes, i've looked at it
14:22 < wrtp> taruti: i wanted something a little less rigid.
14:22 * taruti has tinkered about a webcontrol in Go
14:23 < wrtp> server-side?
14:24 -!- napsy [~luka@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:24 < taruti> wrtp: frontend in JS, websocket and backend in Go
14:25 < wrtp> ok, that's what i'd thought.  the difficulty is that you don't
necessarily want all logic to go via the server...
14:26 -!- piyushmishra [~piyushmis@] has joined #go-nuts
14:26 < gmilleramilar> anybody here tried godag?
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Connection reset by peer]
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14:35 < gmilleramilar> guess that's a 'no' :)
14:36 < nsf> it's quite useless
14:37 < gmilleramilar> because you prefer make?
14:38 < nsf> because it only builds go
14:38 < nsf> every more or less bigger than small software needs far more
than that
14:39 < nsf> and adding software dependency for building just go source code
isn't appropriate
14:39 < nsf> I believe Go support in tools like cmake, waf, scons will be a
much better idea
14:39 < nsf> waf has Go support, I've heard that people do something for
14:40 < nsf> cmake..  not really works for Go, but it is still possible to
add tht
14:40 < nsf> that*
14:40 < gmilleramilar> yeah, the scons stuff even has a go component for
dependency management...
14:40 < vsmatck> waf does not support go well enough to be useable.
14:41 < nsf> yeah but it was one of the first build tools that supported go
at least partially
14:41 < vsmatck> Well, no scanning for local packages and determining
dependencies anyways.
14:41 < nsf> yes, that's the problem
14:41 < vsmatck> I already have a bug report filed on that with waf.
14:41 < nsf> although import statement has very simple grammar
14:41 < vsmatck> But it's a low priority.
14:41 < nsf> and it's easy to implement
14:41 < gmilleramilar> nsf: how do you manage dependencies?
14:41 < nsf> I do it manually
14:41 < nsf> my projects aren't that big
14:42 < vsmatck> I was thinking about writing my own build system for
14:42 < nsf> it's not a problem for me :)
14:42 < exch> automatic dependency resolution is very easy to account for
with go projects
14:42 < nsf> exch: it depends..
14:42 < nsf> sometimes go libraries have rather complex builds
14:42 < nsf> especially cgo ones
14:43 < nsf> for example: import "./termbox" tells me that I need to build
termbox.a somehow, but how exactly is a big question
14:44 < nsf> and here we really need a big fully featured build system that
can handle all scenarios
14:44 < exch> I mean the actual sorting of package order.  of course there's
some tricky steps in difuring out how to build a cgo project
14:44 < nsf> automate simple ones and allow complex ones
14:44 < nsf> exch: building dag for go is not hard, yes
14:44 < vsmatck> There's like 5 or 6 build systems on the community page but
none of them seem complete really.
14:44 < nsf> vsmatck: true
14:44 < exch> I've just my own build tool written in go for a while, but to
be honest it's just not worth the hassle.  Just writing some makefiles works fine
14:44 < nsf> writing a build system from scratch is a bad idea
14:45 < nsf> imho
14:45 < vsmatck> I've been poking around in waf.  Trying to figure out how
to add scanning.  I've never made anything with python tho.
14:45 < nsf> on the other hand
14:45 < vsmatck> If waf fully supported go it could replace make for
building the go compiler and go standard libraries.
14:45 < nsf> there are a lot of build systems and almost all of them have
weird properies
14:46 < nsf> scons is slow as hell, waf has weird internal architecture,
cmake has painful scripting syntax
14:46 < nsf> :)
14:46 < exch> make is pretty much present on every dev's computer.  it's a
safe choice as far as dependencies goes
14:46 < nsf> vsmatck: I don't think so
14:46 < vsmatck> blech ya.  I replaced scons with waf for my C++ project
because of speed.
14:46 < nsf> waf is quite..  I don't know
14:46 < vsmatck> 10s to determine nothing needed to be rebuilt.  Waf takes
14:46 < nsf> unique
14:46 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fjzU3 by [Adam Langley] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/ -- Fix certificate validation.
14:46 < vsmatck> waf seems super simple to setup.  My favorite build system
so far.
14:47 < nsf> vsmatck: you should try extending it
14:47 < nsf> like adding build steps for your own script, etc.
14:47 < nsf> it's kind of weird to me
14:47 < nsf> I don't know, maybe I'm wrong
14:47 < nsf> also it forces you to specify "configure" step
14:47 < nsf> as far as I rembmer
14:48 < nsf> remember*
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14:48 < vsmatck> ya it does.
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14:48 < nsf> also it has issues with building out of the source tree
14:48 < nsf> I hate that it places binary somewhere deep in the hierarchy by
14:48 < vsmatck> It uses build directories.  I've never had a problem with
it tho.
14:48 < nsf> I really like cmake in that sense
14:48 < vsmatck> I think it's nicer to not have tons of *.o files
14:49 -!- kanru [~kanru@118-160-164-43.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
14:49 < nsf> the only problem it has..  its scripting language
14:49 < nsf> vsmatck: yes
14:49 < vsmatck> I just don't like code generators unless there's absolutely
no chance I'll ever need to look at the generated code.
14:49 < nsf> with cmake you can even have multiple build directories
14:49 < nsf> like Debug Release
14:49 < nsf> and you just type 'make' inside
14:49 < nsf> and the binary is here
14:50 < nsf> anyway, we'll see..  probably sooner or later there will be
another new build system
14:50 < nsf> better than others
14:50 < vsmatck> I like what waf does where it's all contained in a 70k
14:51 < nsf> + python distribution
14:51 < nsf> ;)
14:51 < vsmatck> So you always use the same version to build the project.
14:51 < vsmatck> yeah, I'd want to be able to do the same thing with go.
14:52 < vsmatck> Like I could write a build system.  Package it in one file.
Then just do ./build.go
14:52 < vsmatck> bah, I just need to learn enough python to modify waf.
14:53 -!- piyushmishra [~piyushmis@] has quit [Read error: No route
to host]
14:54 < nsf> hehe, I've contributed actually something to waf regarding Go
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has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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14:56 < nsf> and never used it since
14:56 < nsf> :D
14:57 < vsmatck> I got Thomas the waf guy to add a hack for me recently for
gopack.  Since gopack can only handle 1 object file.
14:57 < vsmatck> waf has a nice experimental daemon mode that uses inotify
to auto-rebuild too.  I've been using that.  It's quite nice.
14:57 < nsf> yep, that stopped me from doing cmake integration for Go
14:57 < nsf> cmake is really a C/C++ centric build system
14:58 < nsf> and it's not possible to add Go as a first class compiler there
14:58 < bfrank> Hmm, does anyone know what this means?
14:58 < bfrank> Make.inc:29: Extraneous text after `else' directive
14:58 < bfrank> Make.inc:30: Extraneous text after `else' directive
14:58 < bfrank> Make.inc:30: *** only one `else' per conditional.  Stop.
14:58 < bfrank> Did not find Go environment variables.
14:58 < vsmatck> waf is nice like that.  It's really generic.
14:58 < nsf> because it relies on a fact that yoy can build .go -> .o
14:58 < nsf> you*
14:59 -!- i__ [~none@unaffiliated/i--/x-3618442] has quit [Read error: Connection
reset by peer]
15:00 < nsf> bfrank: strange
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15:00 < nsf> are you building with gomake or make?
15:00 < bfrank> I am going to src and running all.bash
15:00 < bfrank> so whatever that is going
15:00 < bfrank> err, doing
15:01 < nsf> are you using the 'release' branch or the just the latest
15:01 < nsf> s/the//
15:01 < bfrank> https://go.googlecode.com/hg/
15:01 < bfrank> release
15:01 < nsf> I see
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[Client Quit]
15:01 < nsf> then it's really strange
15:01 < bfrank> I just am following the steps on the golang site
15:01 < nsf> what OS?
15:02 < bfrank> Linux 2.4.21-60.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Aug 24 20:17:56 EDT 2009
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
15:03 < nsf> an ancient linux
15:03 < nsf> interesting
15:03 < nsf> most likely you have an incompatible make version or something
15:04 < bfrank> GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland
15:04 < nsf> hm..
15:04 < nsf> looks like a pretty recent one
15:04 < nsf> mine is 3.81
15:05 < nsf> then I don't know
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15:05 < nsf> hehe
15:05 < nsf> or it's that old
15:06 < nsf> looks like 3.79.1 was available in 2003
15:08 < nsf> yes, it is ancient
15:08 < nsf> was released in 2000
15:09 < nsf> bfrank: I don't know what to suggest you
15:09 < nsf> update your system?
15:09 < nsf> it's a bit out-of-date
15:09 < nsf> ;)
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15:20 < bfrank> ha
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16:18 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fjHCg by [Adam Langley] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/crypto/ -- crypto/x509, crypto/tls: improve root matching and observe
CA flag.
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16:44 < nickaugust> can I specify a range of keys to be returned from a map?
ie all keys from 'apple' to 'bus'?  or what type of container would be good for
this?  that can be sorted and queried for a range of text based keys?
16:45 < nickaugust> maybe a string vector and then use the iterable package?
16:47 < Tv> nickaugust: i'd expect it to be hash order, so no nice way of
traversing e.g.  alphabetically..  the usual trick to preserve e.g.  insertion
order while using a hash map is to just store the keys in a separate list (in the
case of go, a Vector)..  it really depends on what your access patterns are
16:47 <+iant> maps aren't sorted, so, yeah, you would to use something like
a vector which you can sort, or write your own container which is a binary tree or
something like that
16:48 < nickaugust> Tv: iant: ok thats what i was thinking.  thanks!
16:49 < Tv> nickaugust: if this is a single rare scan every now and then,
you might even make a temporary heap, insert all the keys there, and consume that
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16:50 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fjKqY by [Luuk van Dijk] in 3 subdirs of
go/src/cmd/ -- 6l/8l: emit DWARF frame info.
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16:56 < nickaugust> Tv: its a in memory index that will be used frequently
so im deciding between a hash table and a binary tree.  ive got it built as a tree
now but each file thats indexed has multiple nodes in the tree and im having
trouble figuring how to keep track of where all the nodes are for a particular
file.  so when i go to delete all nodes for a file i dont have to iter through the
whole tree to find
16:56 < nickaugust> matches.  i was thinking it might be easier to go to a
hash table of some sort or just manually keep track of each file name and all the
nodes that belong to it in a separate tree
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17:52 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fjQjy by [Joe Poirier] in go/doc/ -- doc: fix
typo in go_spec.html
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Connection reset by peer]
19:02 -!- tsdh [~user@p54AF008B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #go-nuts
19:06 < nickaugust> so if I have a struct Contact can I assign methods to
type []Contact?  I have index which is defined as var index []Contact but I cant
assign the methods nessesary to satisfy sort.Interface.  Is this not how I should
sort my slice of contacts?
19:06 -!- janm [~jmalonzo@ppp121-44-124-217.lns20.syd6.internode.on.net] has
joined #go-nuts
19:09 < skelterjohn> if you can't use []Contact as a receiver type directly
(and I believe indeed you cannot), you can re-type it
19:09 < skelterjohn> type ContactList []Contact
19:09 < skelterjohn> func (cl ContactList) foo() ...
19:09 -!- MaksimBurnin [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has joined #go-nuts
19:10 < nickaugust> skelterjohn: thanks man.  i thought there was a way to
do it.
19:10 < skelterjohn> and then when you pass a []Contact to a function that
needs something to implement sort.Interface, you pass ContactList(mySlice) instead
19:10 < nickaugust> gotcha.  thanks :)
19:10 < skelterjohn> my pleasure
19:11 -!- MaksimBurnin [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
19:14 -!- i__ [~none@unaffiliated/i--/x-3618442] has quit [Quit: leaving]
19:14 < exch> you don't have to cast it to ContactList() explicitely.  Slice
types have some implicit conversion magic for that purpose
19:14 -!- MaksimBurnin [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has joined #go-nuts
19:15 < skelterjohn> oh
19:15 < skelterjohn> that seems bad
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19:16 < skelterjohn> what if you have "type MyList1 []Contact" and "type
MyList2 []Contact"
19:16 < skelterjohn> and they both implement sort.Interface differently
19:16 < exch> good question
19:16 * exch tests
19:17 -!- MaksimBurnin1 [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has joined #go-nuts
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Connection reset by peer]
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Leave the magic to Houdini]
19:21 < exch> not a problem it seems.  You can't pass []Contact to
sort.Sort().  You need to pass either MyList1 or MyList2
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19:21 < exch> which seems to indicate the implicit conversion is only
19:22 -!- MaksimBurnin1 [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has quit [Ping timeout:
276 seconds]
19:22 <+iant> Interface conversion only works at the top level, not inside a
slice, or map, or chan
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Connection reset by peer]
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272 seconds]
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19:59 < wjlroe> in this example:
http://golang.org/doc/go_tutorial.html#tmp_233 it uses Read(buf[:]) - but when I
try that, the compiler complains "missing lower bound in slice expression"
20:00 < cbeck> wjlroe: Pull and rebuild, that's a very recent change
20:00 < wjlroe> cbeck: ah thanks very much !
20:01 -!- jhawk28 [~jhawk28@user-142gfte.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 252 seconds]
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joined #go-nuts
20:11 < skelterjohn> has there been any progress with ogle?
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20:13 <+iant> skelterjohn: I don't think so
20:14 <+iant> Instead luuk has been getting 6g/8g to generate DWARF, so that
gdb works on 6.out/8.out files
20:15 < skelterjohn> coding for machine learning is pretty tough without a
debugged, heh
20:15 < skelterjohn> but i muddle through, supported by my convictions
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20:50 < wjlroe> is there an up-to-date example for how one should write
makefiles for go projects?
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20:58 < skelterjohn>
20:58 -!- skelterjohn [~jasmuth@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu] has quit [Quit:
21:00 < exch> the first line in that makefile is incorrect
21:00 < exch> '$(GOARCH)
21:00 < exch> should be 'inc'
21:00 -!- fabled [~fabled@letku109.adsl.netsonic.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 276
21:02 < wjlroe> yeah - that was the malfunction I had :)
21:02 < wjlroe> I asked too quickly, before noticing the examples in the src
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timeout: 272 seconds]
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21:27 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fk8aN by [Ken Thompson] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/cmd/ -- loader fix
21:31 -!- wjlroe [~will@] has quit [Quit: Get MacIrssi -
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21:38 -!- DanC [~dconnolly@user1.kumc.edu] has joined #go-nuts
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21:39 < DanC> does anybody use go to connect to oracle databases?
21:39 -!- ShadowIce [~pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has quit [Quit:
21:39 < DanC> searching for go libraries seems kinda primitive; 'go' is a
cute name, but it's not novel enough to help with google searches
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21:42 < bartbes> it's interesting how google fails to search for one of
google's languages correctly
21:42 < bartbes> ;)
21:43 < Namegduf> Use "golang", not "go".
21:43 < DanC> I get no results at http://golang.org/search?q=oracle
21:43 < Namegduf> Not too surprising.
21:44 < Namegduf> You're searching the core distribution and website.
21:44 < Namegduf> Not everything to do with Go anyone has released.
21:45 < DanC> I don't see a search feature associated with
http://godashboard.appspot.com/package . 'golang' seems to help somewhat...
21:45 < exch> Most user-made stuff can be found at http://go-lang.cat-v.org/
or http://godashboard.appspot.com/package
21:45 < exch> I haven't seen Oracle come by yet though
21:46 -!- MaksimBurnin [~max@44.188-224-87.telenet.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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reset by peer]
21:48 < jhawk28> http://go-lang.cat-v.org/library-bindings
21:48 -!- awidegreen [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the
21:48 < jhawk28> you can possibly use the odbc
21:49 < jhawk28> http://github.com/BenoyRNair/godbc/
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21:49 -!- Fish [~Fish@9fans.fr] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:50 < DanC> "Download free trial from Easysoft" <- re oracle unixodbc
client :-/
21:50 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@2001:41b8:9bf:fe04:58a2:61ff:fe6b:1fd3] has quit [Quit:
Leave the magic to Houdini]
21:51 < jhawk28> haha
21:51 * DanC is finding more oracle-the-party-to-the-recent-lawsuit hits than
21:52 -!- cco3-hampster [~conleyo@nat/google/x-wimxsaivrsgkvzll] has quit [Ping
timeout: 252 seconds]
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timeout: 240 seconds]
21:56 * DanC finds a DB API discussion
22:01 -!- Guest99575 [~eric@WL-202-181.CINE.HMC.Edu] has joined #go-nuts
22:01 * DanC realizes he's running late; dashes off...
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[~major_maj@70-88-123-176-BusName-Monroe.Mi.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit
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Faster, Easier.  http://miranda-im.org]
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23:03 < nvictor> hey all
23:03 < nvictor> what license does go use?
23:07 < jcao219> bsd
23:07 < nvictor> oh bsd
23:07 < nvictor> nvm all
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quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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23:30 < plexdev> http://is.gd/fkgIh by [Robert Griesemer] in
go/src/cmd/godoc/ -- godoc: default filter file name should be ""
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23:46 < MaybeSo> sigh.  stupid install keeps breaking wa12
23:46 < MaybeSo> oops, sorry michan
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--- Log closed Tue Sep 21 00:00:07 2010